Use “Open...” on the File menu to open a test for browsing.
Note: Tests created by other people may be shareware. The person’s address and requested payment will be displayed in the test’s title page. Please be honest and pay for both Tester (refer to the Introduction for more information) and any tests that you use.
Note: Please refer to the section titled “Windows” for information about how the Question window works.
When you open a test to browse through it, Tester displays everything in exactly the same way as when the test is opened for editing. The difference is that, in Browse mode, you can’t change anything.
The Solution button will only be visible if a solution was entered for the question being displayed.
So what is the point of Browse mode?
If you want to distribute a test that you have created, it is best to lock it to Browse mode so that people will be able to see and study all the questions, rather than only the ones that are randomly chosen when the test is opened for practice.